My 5 Natural Hair Goals for 2015

 Post Image - 5 Natural Hair Goals 2015

I’ve been obsessed with my hair ever since 2011 when I first tried 2-strand twists.  I was amazed by how well my hair responded to the style, I had no idea my hair could do what it did!  Since then, you couldn’t tell me nothing about my hair…okay!

I’ve had such a wonderful hair journey, discovering what my hair is capable of, and appreciating its versatility.  Yet, there are still things that I need to improve about my hair regime and new styles that I want to try in 2015.

Here is my list of hair goals for 2015:

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#HAIRitageHaikus – HAIRitage Definition #3


Celebrate your natural hair!

HAIRitage Definition 3

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#HAIRitageHaikus – Definition #2


The second image in the #HAIRitageHaikus series!

Knowing your power!

HAIRitage Definition 2


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Personal Reflections on 2014 & Looking Ahead to 2015

 Image - Looking Back over 2014

Looking back over 2014, I can honestly say this year was my best year yet!  I feel so proud of myself and overflowing with love, gratitude, and a deep sense of fulfillment.  With all those positive feelings, this year certainly was not expected.  The year before, in 2013 I decided to cocoon myself both emotionally and physically.  At the end of 2013, I had gone through 3 years of processing and dealing with the after effects of a divorce after 8 years of marriage.  The entire three years I was determined to make it through and come out at the end of things BETTER.  I made up my mind that I was NOT going to be defeated.  Throughout all the struggle and pain, I knew inside that I was becoming the woman I was meant to be.  After 8 years of feeling lost, I decided I was going to find myself again.  When 2014 arrived, I was ready for change and the beginning of an amazing life.  This year did not fail me!

Starting Honoring Our HAIRitage

I started Honoring Our HAIRitage in February 2014 with only the goal of adding my voice to the natural hair movement.  What has happened over this year was more than I expected for a first time blogger.  Continue reading

How NOT to recruit new naturalistas!!


I knew immediately after I heard her say the words, “you should NEVER get relaxers!,” that this conversation was not going to end well.  We were at a beauty supply store in the “natural hair supplies” section getting our bi-monthly supply of raw shea butter, when a complete stranger came up to us to ask about our hair, since she stated, “Your hair looks so beautiful!  I’ve been thinking about doing the natural thing too, but I just don’t know yet.”  My friend chimed in again, “You know relaxers can cause permanent hair loss, sores on your scalp, and breakage!  It’s not a good look,” she said.  “I remember the last time I got a relaxer, I had a sore on my scalp that started to ooze puss!  Why would I ever get another relaxer after that!”

Despite where I knew this conversation was going, and the look of concern I was giving my friend, she kept talking about not getting relaxers.  The look on the other woman’s face Continue reading