My Favorite Songs About Hair


June is African American Music Appreciation Month.  Honoring Our HAIRitage is ending June with the list of my favorite songs by African Americans with theme of…HAIR…of course!

1. Nina Simone “4 Women”  – Nina Simone is one of my favorite artists.  Her voice is deep and rich and her words are rousing.  In four women, she sings about four different women and includes in each verse a description of each woman’s skin color and hair texture – two aspects that are hugely political for women of color.  Watch as she performs this song live!

2. India Arie “I am not my hair” – In this video, I love how India deliberately wears different hairstyles throughout the video to show that all hairstyles are okay – even locs!  She even shares her hair journey before sharing your hair journey was trendy.

3. Prince “She’s always in my hair” – I LOVE PRINCE!  He is a musical genius and always gets it right.  Not only does he sing about hair in this song, he rocks a bada$$ afro while doing so.

4. Willow Smith “Whip my hair” – I love how Willow has created her own style and has the courage to be herself, she sings, Don’t let hater get me off my grind / Keep my head up I know I’ll be fine.  I love the pink Mohawk too!

5. TLC “Unpretty” – This song is about more than just hair.  It deals with a variety of insecurities that we all face regarding our weight, breast size and looking outside ourselves for validation.  It is about accepting yourself, just the way you are, which is a theme for Honoring Our HAIRitage.  TLC is one of my favorite groups and this song is just one reason why!

I’d love to know about more songs about hair.  Let me know your favorites in the comments!


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My Experiences with Hair Salons

Keeping Up Mess by Tracey Andrews

Before I went natural 2 years ago, I was a regular at the hair salon.  I would go on Saturdays to get my press n’ curl or relaxer.  I would plan whole days around my hair appointment.  It was a major ordeal.  Today, I have not been to a salon in over 5 years and I must say, I do not miss it at all!

Lately, I’ve been reading and learning about the experiences of other women who spent many Saturdays at the shop just like I did.  They talk about the hair salon as a bonding place where women not only get a fresh style, they get a fresh perspective on life from their sisters who are their stylist and therapist all wrapped up into one.  They relate how they learned about womanhood, relationships, sex, and money.  They describe it like a safe haven for women.

Hair styling can be seen as a personal ritual that is as necessary as it is sacred.  The hair stylist in African cultures was seen as a highly valued and respected person with talents that could not be matched by just anyone.  The person who cared for your hair was seen as special.  Some of us give a similar status to hair stylist today.

As much as other women have truly valued being with their sister-friends at the salon, this has not been my experience.  Most of my experiences have been the complete opposite.  I’m not just being selective either, I’m talking about each and every salon I’ve ever been to.

When I went to the salon regularly, much of my frustrations started the second I entered the door.  I would always be on time for my appointment.  Yet, I would arrive and my stylist would always be in the middle of another client’s style and needed me to wait 5 minutes, which turned into 15 minutes, which turned into 30 minutes before I could get in the chair!  As far as I’m concerned, I should not have to wait 1 second when I’m there for my appointment on time.

Already my time was not being valued, but neither were my opinions about my hair.  I would have ideas for styles and I never felt like I was being heard.  I was even talked into cutting most of my hair off, like the time I got a short bob even though I didn’t really want to.  I never asked for a style my hair could not do because it wasn’t long enough or wasn’t shaped the right way.  I didn’t understand why my stylist could not be creative and come up with a style that worked for me.  I hated paying money for a style that never really turned out the way I wanted it to.

There was a ton of gossip taking place in the salon too.  I heard about other clients all the time.  I knew whose hair wasn’t growing, whose hair was thinning, who asked for a crazy hairstyle, who came in looking a mess and walked out thinking they were Beyonce.  I also heard gossip about other stylists when they were not in the shop.  I knew which stylists came in late all the time, who still owed their booth fees, and whose clients left them for another stylist.  I was not interested in putting down other women and it just made me wonder what they said about me when I wasn’t around.  I stayed out of those conversations all together.

All That Glitter by Annie Lee

Sadly, whenever I did open my mouth to speak, someone inevitably would make fun of the way I talked.  The last straw for one salon was when another client called me “white girl” because according to her, I “said words completely.”  Really, I said the whole word so I sound white?  Okay…I never came back to that salon.

Around the time I decided to go natural, I stopped getting relaxers, but would go to the salon for a press n’ curl.  With more and more new growth, my roots were getting thicker, and my stylist was getting more on my nerves about it!  She would constantly make comments about it while pressing my hair.  Being told 50 times how thick my natural hair has gotten made me want to scream, “I know it’s thick, you don’t need to remind me every 5 minutes!  Do your job and work with it!”

With all of that, it just made it even more aggravating that every 20 minutes, someone would came in the shop and try to sell me something.  Everything from purses, to body oils, to clothes and appliances have been offered to me.  Some people at the salon encouraged this by bargaining prices down and asking for more inventory to select from.  My opinion is this, I’m at the shop to get my hair done, not to buy your stolen items (Okay, I don’t know if they are stolen or not, but seriously though…).

All of those experiences have amounted to me developing a growing hatred of the hair salon.  It is sad but true.  I am not trying to bash hair salons, I’m simply sharing my experiences.  Maybe I’m missing the point of all of it, or not appreciating the space.  Maybe I took the gossip and personal insults too seriously and needed to take it easy.  Maybe I should have brought extra cash and purchased that stolen set of earrings.

What I do know is that I feel better now that I do not have to dread my trip to the salon.  I am my own stylist and I never give myself a style I didn’t want, I never get angry with my thick hair, and I never call myself names.

What were your experiences with hair salons like?  Did you hate them like I did or love them?

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Exciting Updates: Partnership, Features, and Award

The most amazing things have been happening ever since I started this blog back in February.  I am so overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support I’ve received for Honoring Our HAIRitage in just a few months.  Today, I’m excited to let you all know about a few things that I am now a part of.


Back in April, I submitted my information for the Naturally Fierce Feature for the website Global Couture.  The website was started by a fabulous naturalista Patricia, who wanted a place for naturals like her to find bold apparel and expressive jewelry (you should check out her t-shirts!).  Global Couture also includes insightful articles about cultural expression, embracing your natural hair, and our history: many of the things I enjoy reading about.  I was truly surprised that after receiving my information, Patricia asked me to be a contributor to her website!  She loved my content, and wanted me to write for Global Couture.  I am still a little bit in shock about it all but I’m so honored to have the opportunity to spread my message of loving your natural hair to an even wider audience.  Today, my first featured article “Combating Negative Ideas About Black Hair” is now on Global Couture.  I’ll be posting there regularly, so definitely check them out.

Global Couture


Two places you should also check out are The Natural Hair Blog Directory and The Confetti Collective.

The Natural Hair Blog Directory is a website dedicated to featuring natural hair bloggers and connecting other naturals to women with similar hair textures.  It was started to eliminate all the confusion about where to go to find the right information about natural hair. No matter what your hair texture, you will find many other naturals who you can relate to on this site.  You’ll find my information under the “Kinky” category.

The Confetti Collective is a site for beauty junkies who want to look good and stay healthy.  Their goal is to be “exclusively inclusive”, and I love that!  My information will be posted this Friday, June 6th.

I encourage you to support both these sites since they have some pretty amazing content.


Very Inspiring Blogger Award


This weekend, I was nominated by Wax of Wax’s World for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award!  The award speaks for itself, but I have to say that I am very grateful to Wax for her support and nomination.  She is also fabulous and inspires me since we both have day jobs and still struggle to find time for blogging.  Keep it up Wax!

The award requires more than just this post, but I wanted to share it with you sooner rather than later and ask that you send some love over to Wax by checking out her blog.  More information about my nomination is coming soon…

That’s it for now!  Thank you to all my readers for following Honoring Our HAIRitage.  This has already been an amazing journey, and I’m just getting started!



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